Capital Tuition Group is delivering a selection of intensive GCSE Revision days for English, Maths and Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry). Both half days will cover the key points of each subject that your child is struggling with and will boost their confidence and grades!
We can prep your child for all major exam boards, including AQA, OCR, Edexcel, IGCSE etc.
Through each half day your child will:
● Choose and revise the core topics with a Specialist Tutor who is also a fully-qualified teacher
● Use specific revision strategies to use their time efficiently through the revision period
● Understand how to answer exam-style questions to perfect their exam technique
● Learn the skills needed to access the higher grade boundaries
● Have a Q&A session where they get a chance to ask questions on any other part of the curriculum.
Students will also receive a complimentary and detailed work pack with plenty of revision tips and exam-style questions plus mark schemes to use for their examination preparation.
x2 half days per subject between Monday 24th - Thursday 27th Oct
24th Oct: GCSE Science Part 1 ~
9am-12:30pm (incl. break)
24th Oct: GCSE Maths Part 1 ~
1:30pm-5pm (incl. break)
25th Oct: GCSE Science Part 2 ~
9am-12:30pm (incl. break)
25th Oct: GCSE Maths Part 1 ~
1:30pm-5pm (incl. break)
26th Oct: GCSE English Part 1 ~
9am-12:30pm (incl. break)
27th Oct: GCSE English Part 2 ~
9am-12:30pm (incl. break)
Online, in the comfort of your own home using our fully interactive online teaching software and with our specialist tutor fully present over video chat.
How Much?
A total of £130 + VAT per student, per subject, for x2 half days of intensive tuition.
What do other GCSE students say?
"My tutor made all of the content easy to understand and covered all the topics I asked for. The classes were designed in an excellent format and really well presented!"
Calvin, Year 11
"I learned a lot of helpful information which I don't get from school, and I really liked how they explained stuff simply and quickly. Everything was taught in an easy and understandable way which helped me a lot, and the teachers were really kind to us."
Gianmario, Year 11